Zupreem Bird Foods
For over 40 years, ZuPreemŽ has understood that
the single most important influence on an animal's
health is nutrition. When you choose a ZuPreemŽ
product, you know you are getting the best from
the world's expert in nutrition for exotic pets
and animals in zoos.
Since 1863, Volkmans has achieved an unparalleled
reputation for upscale sophisticated diets, using
a broad variety of human-grade ingredients to
ensure that the highest nutritional avian
requirements are met. All-natural dehydrated
fruits and vegetables, nuts, grains, and seeds are
mixed in clean blends for all pet birds. Essential
vitamins, minerals, and amino acids are added to
dehulled grains in modest but adequate amounts. No
additional oils, artificial coloring, chemicals or
preservatives are used in Volkmans Bird Diets.