Lizards? Yup!
Iguanas, Bearded Dragons, Leopard Geckos,
Crested Geckos, and more. We keep many species
in stock, and even hatch out a few in the store!
And Snakes
Lots of ball pythons and boas.
Cornsnakes, kingsnakes, ratsnakes and more. More
than 50 cages of them!
We breed many of the species we sell.
Turtles and Tortoises
Water turtles and land tortoises. Got
these smart ones as well.
Live and Frozen Feeders in
We are keeping 100s of live mice at all
times, as well as Small, Medium, Large and Jumbo
In frozen, we have even more variety. Mice and
rats from pinky size to jumbo. Guines Pigs and
Rabbits for the larger appetites, and quail and
chicks just to add some variety to your animals
Insects Too!!
We keep 10s of thousands of crickets in
stock. Yeah, that IS a lot of crickets. Buy them
by the portion (20 or so for $1.00)
or by the box (1000 for $25.00)
We usually have small, medium and large in
We also carry lots of worms; Mealworms in 2
sizes, Super Worms, Wax Worms, Red Wigglers and
Night Crawlers. Hornworms for the larger dragons
to pop, and now we have Pheonix Worms in 3
sizes. All the squiggly wigglies.
We have veggies ready to go, a small deli
cup is $4.99.
If you want to mix your own veggies, here is a
list of suggested greens :
Collards, Turnip Greens, Kale, Dendelion Greens,
Cilantro, Parsley, Zuchinni, Yellow Squash and
Stay away from lettuces; they have little or no
nutritional value. And avoid spinach, as it
binds with calcium and keeps your animal from
absorbing it.