We carry a large selection of Freshwater fish.
Everything you expect to see, such as Tetras,
Swordtails, Mollies, Angelfish and Algae Eaters.
And always something new and different, which you
may not have seen before.
Can't keep your fish? Bring them on in! If you
have fish you no longer have space for, bring them
in and we'll find you a new home for them. We
might even give you some value in trade towards
something new!
Saltwater Fish
We have 30 tanks of saltwater fish, with new
shipments every week, and sometimes several times
a week.
We have recently starting getting fish from
several new sources, concentrating on captive
raised or propagated livestock. Higher quality
animals, collected in a more environmentally safe
manor. Better for you, and better for our reefs.
Several systems of corals, with frags of many
popular species.
We get many of our corals from local sources, but
also import others from around the world.
Lots of Fish Food!
From : Tetra, Cobalt, Extreme, Seachem, Hikari,
Aqueon, New Life, Zoo Med, and Nu Era